Parallax element
Parallax element
Parallax element
Parallax element
Parallax element

Frank de Boeff

Engineering new factory

vanRijsingeningredients is a specialist in processing and enhancing vegetable by-products. This food producer wanted to enhance its carrot by-products and develop innovative products. By-products exist because consumers demand straight carrots with a certain length, without visible abnormalities. vanRijsingeningredients was already enhancing its by-products for the production of carrot balls. After a market survey more than 10 years ago, vanRijsingeningredients decided to start producing vegetable juices.

The challenge

Even though a large part of the carrot is being used, a lot of carrot is still left over. vanRijsingeningredients wanted to enhance this by-product. The company wants to build a new factory to produce a binding agent from the carrot fibres. This factory would be located as close as possible to the existing factory, the source of these carrot fibres. This would maintain the quality of these fresh products and minimise transport costs. Sustainability is one of the core principles of vanRijsingeningredients: no unnecessary waste, enhanced waste flows and energy efficiency. The company had a long list of ideas and it was up to Bodec to find out which ideas were feasible in practice.

The approach

Bodec decided to test many techniques in its own facilities in order to develop the right enhancement process. Together with vanRijsingeningredients these ideas were developed into a concept. This concept was further developed into a plan for a new factory, which had to fit into the existing hall. Bodec considered every detail: from the new machines that were necessary to the walls that would have to be moved and the drainage points that had to be added or removed.  In September 2017 the whole plan was ready. Together with vanRijsingeningredients Bodec selected the best supplies for the project that were able to offer the best technical support. During the build, two Bodec employees were continuously on site to guide the construction process.

The results

In June 2018 vanRijsingeningredients started using the new factory. The company now has six new processes for evaporating, pressing (warm and cold), filling and producing fibres. The factory is built in such a way that it is easy to upscale the capacity in the future, if necessary. All technical and construction elements can be expanded as well. Furthermore, the concept offers full flexibility and can be used for other vanRijsingen products as well.


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Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment? Please contact us.

+31 (0) 492 77 97 68

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“Bodec really knows a thing or two about factory engineering and the various technologies! It delivers the capacity and knowledge that we lack ourselves. We were considering this ten years ago, but the time was not right. Now it is, and this new factory is a dream come true. Bodec was responsible for the technical aspects of the factory and project management and made sure the project was delivered successfully. It was great to have somebody on site whose job it was to make things right. If we had done it ourselves, other important activities would have been affected.”

Gerbrand van Veldhuizen, director vanRijsingeningredients

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