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Parallax element
28 April 2022 | Frank de Boeff

Want to rent our factory? Here are the right reasons for doing so!

Bodec has a splendid production facility on the Scheepsboulevard in Helmond. Not everyone is aware that it is possible to rent this for a short period. Ambitious companies working with plant-based proteins and fibres and international insect processors have already done so. In this blog we would love to explain some cases when it might be of interest to you too.

1. You want to build up a dossier for a novel food

Within the European Union, new foodstuffs are covered by the novel food regulation. To make sure that these are approved as safe for consumption by the EFSA you need to work your way through a lengthy procedure. A dossier to demonstrate the safety of your product is the basis of this. You can create this from a series of production runs in our factory. For example, you can demonstrate that with your process you can make x number of repetitive production runs that all result in the same end product, with the same quality.

One company rented our factory for two weeks to do exactly this. They wanted to test different processes and different products in a food-certified environment. At that time they were about to start up their own factory, so as well as building up the novel food dossier it was the perfect opportunity for them to dot the i’s and cross the t’s for their production process so that they could make a quick start on their own production equipment.

2. You want to demonstrate the reliability of your product to your customers

One of our customers really wanted to test the reliability of their end product in our factory, to prepare for potential questions about this from their own customers. To do this, we ran off ten batches to show that the end product was good each time. For your customers it is sometimes a good idea to get confirmation in writing.

3. You want to know how to tweak the production process

You probably know in advance that you will be dealing with variations and fluctuations in your ingredients. In that case, it is a good idea to know what effects these will have on your production process. You can work through some production runs with different ingredients and map this all out in detail. In this way, you know which knobs to turn to adjust the production process. This yields valuable information, especially for your operators.

4. You need to train your operators in the production process

More or less an extension of the previous point: once you know how it works it makes sense to train your operators and technicians on the ground so that they can absorb all the ins and outs of the production process for themselves.

We had a company that deals with food, health and biosciences who opted to do this. They came to Bodec to carry out the final step in the development of a new product. During the time that we were busy doing that, we continually fed back what we saw was happening and maintained an active dialogue with them. To be able to share the knowledge that we had gained about the production process properly, the operators and technicians from that company came to us for a week-long training course. They were then able to get right back to work in the factory that the company had opened. The company told us that they found our flexibility and open communication exceptional.

Facilities and knowledge

Our factory has a wide range of facilities that are needed in order to create products. From driers to produce such things as dairy and protein powders to macro- and nano-filtration equipment. If you rent the factory, you also have at your disposal all the knowledge of our operators and technicians. They will support you through the entire process. In addition, it is always a good idea to have your own employees on site, to watch and to assist, as this is the best way for them to learn.

Would you like more information about this option? Then get in contact with us now!

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